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Visilogic simulator developed third party company

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Is there simulator available ?

What  I have found it's third party product.

Which company has developed it ?

For me it doesn't matter if I have paid for it.

Link below doesn't work.


>There is a simulator offered by an independent developer in our PLC Market. Note that this is not a Unitronics product. Check it out here: http://www.plc-apps.com/collections/apps-for-pc



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  • MVP 2023

If you search this forum you will find that this has been asked and answered many times. The bottom line is that there is no software simulator available. It is recommended that you purchase a PLC for your software development. This is usually a cheaper solution than other manufacturers' simulators and is guaranteed to be 100% accurate in the simulation. Unitronics PLCs are designed to operate without the associated I/O for the programmer's convenience (and cost saving). When you consider that the PLCs are inexpensive and the programming software is free this is a workable solution.

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