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Visilogic Float32 register via modbus - assistance please.

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Hi all,

I have an IFM flow meter operating over IO LINK.   I need to get all 3 sources of data (flow, temp and totalizer), I have flow and temp ok but the totalizer value is a float32T and although I believe I am receiving the data ok with a RFR block into a double word I can't make any sense of the value I'm receiving.. do I need to potentially flip the vector?

The value I'm receiving is increasing incrementally under flow meter simulation so it appears to be the correct data.

Thanks in advance,




ifm-SM9000-20170906-IODD11-en (1).pdf

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29 minutes ago, Ausman said:

If you do a reset on the totaliser, what happens with the number?  To me the manufacturer's pdf you gave is a bit ambiguous in how to read things.   Readings following a reset might help to clear things up.

cheers, Aus

Thanks for the input Ausman, here is an extract from the manual around simulation function.  Basically every start of simulation will reset the totaliser and it will count as per the simulated flow.  This video is just after a simulation reset and you can see the number has reduced from the original post, running for about a minute prior.

What I should have been more specific about in my original post is that is does not increment in any sort of order,  If you view the attached video you can see what the increments look like.   FYI simulated flow set for 60LPM which you can see under MI1030 *0.1.


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  • 4 weeks later...

when working with modbus you need to pay close attention to the data format and endiannes of the bytes that different brands may use, to be able to rearrange the information in my case all words 32 bytes in the  computer I need to  have it like as  : "BADC"

for example a 32 bits representation of the number 12345678  (ASCII characters,2 32 BITS ADDRESSES) in unitronics PLC is as follows  :


87577041 , 943142453


34333231, 38373635 =

A    B   C    D   A     B   C   D
34 33 32 31 38 37 36 35 =43218765

D    C   B    A  D     C   B   A
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 =12345678




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