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VisiLogic Display problem - Help!

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  • MVP 2023

I opened an older project file this morning and it opened with none of the contact or coil symbols visible. Since then, all my project files look like this. I've tried opening files in other VisiLogic versions (using Version Swapper) and everything now looks like this. Anyone ever seen this? Anyone have an idea of what the cause or fix might be?


I am using Windows 10 on a high-resolution monitor. I've tried changing display resolution and font size, but no improvement.

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  • MVP 2023

I usually have a zillion windows and applications open that I am working on simultaneously, all set up the way I like, so rebooting the computer is always a last resort. I finally gave in an closed everything down and rebooted. Happily, that fixed the problem. Sure is a weird problem though and it would be nice to understand the cause.

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