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I'm working on my final year project at universty. Topic is SCADA systems based on wonderware Intouch and Schneider PLC and I need help :D. Could anyone tell me how can I manage recepies? For example, I have to make a recepie that put one component in tank, than mix it for some time, and after that add second component in tank, so my recepie must contain time pause between  adding compnent1 and component2. I couldn't find anything on yt,  Google,  or user manual, so can anyone help please. Thank you.

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2 hours ago, Flex727 said:

I went ahead and approved this post as someone here might volunteer to help. However, be mindful that this is a UNITRONICS forum, not Wonderware, Intouch, nor Schneider.



2 hours ago, danilo_santrac said:

Topic is SCADA systems based on wonderware Intouch and Schneider PLC

 😅  and where are you using unitronics??


2 hours ago, danilo_santrac said:

I couldn't find anything on yt,  Google,  or user manual, so can anyone help please. Thank you.

and advice I will give is that on industrial automation topics just stick it to the manuals, on this world, everything is brand driven and even each brand has different versions of software for their products, even with its implementation of certain things and everything can communicate to everything using standard protocols (which is hardware dependent most of the time).
so, first, you need to know the devices you are using, and how to communicate them.
Wich PLC model, this PLC wich communication protocols have.?

On wich software is programmed? chances ara that there is a recipe option already built in.

And for the recipe, it's a simple thing pretty much just do a program and have values of "dosages" and "timers" the "RECIPE" is in fact that sequence of values and times you can make the recipes by itself stored on the memory of the PLC and SCADA only acces to those register and updates the values.

It can be as simple or complex as you need it to be.


3 hours ago, danilo_santrac said:

I'm working on my final year project at universty.

In my industrial automation course, the professor showed us the FESTO's didactic modular production systems, then threw us the manuals and says each team need to make one of those work
"Here are the manuals we will see again on the final test. by the way Half of the score will be that the systems work properly and after that you are going to leave the lab, then I will be messing around with the systems, unplugging things swapping wires, whatever I feel like to do, and you will need to troubleshoot".

also, each team had a different brand of PLC or different types of MPS so it was impossible to cheat 🤣.

I tough that the professor was being lazy but pretty much is how the industrial automation world works:

-This is what we need to do, here are the manuals.  Make it work

-Its not working, we dont have updated documentation/diaggrams.Make it work







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