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Scrolling List


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Visilogic really needs to have a canned scrolling list function. This is a staple in most other HMI softwares. It takes WAY too much time to have to develop your own, especially when dealing with strings that are sourced from a Data Table. And then, the bulk of your program is something that has very little to do with your application. So I am wasting processor resources and operand memory just to juggle memory around.

An on the point of Data table, Why is reading a colum of strings not supported? Or bytes or bools for that matter?

The data table function should also let you choose whether to truncate or not when writing 32 bit data into 16 bit registers. This gets back to the whole memory structure issue. 32 bits of data are 32 bits of data. It doesn't matter if you are using it bitwise, bytewise, integer wise, etc, nor if you are interpretting it as signed or floating point,. It is an unecessary restriction. The software should use a collection of bits based on the context of how you reference it in your program.

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>canned scrolling list function<

Damian, maybe my brain is a bit clouded from weekend festivities...but I don't know what you mean exactly.

Could you explain a bit further?

Hi Cara,

Below are three that come on another piece of software I have to use often. I can make screen shots as well if it helps. It's takes a long time to create simialr controls with Visilogic, whereas these are just "drop in".



List Indicator:

The list indicator displays a list of states for a process or operation, and highlights the

current state.

Each state is represented by a caption in the list. This type of indicator is useful if you

want operators to view the current state, but also see the other possible states.

For sequential processes, the list can inform the operator about what happens next.

The list indicator has no error state. If the value of the Indicator connection does not

match any of the available states, none of the states is highlighted.

Control List Indicator:Control list selectors allow an operator to scroll through a list of states for a process and

select one of the states. A highlight in the list shows the current state.

A control list selector can show several states at the same time, but only one state can be

selected at a time. As the operator scrolls through the list, each successive state is selected

automatically. If you want the operator to confirm the selection of a particular state before

the state’s value is written to the programmable controller, create an enter button on the

same display as the control list selector, and select the “Write on enter” option.

The operator can scroll through the control list selector using:

  • key button graphic objects. These are graphic objects that duplicate the functions of keyboard keys.

  • the arrow keys and Enter key on a terminal’s keypad.

  • the arrow keys and Enter key on a keyboard.

Using buttons with the control list selector

The operator presses the buttons to scroll up or down the list, or to make selections from

the list. The buttons can be set up to work with the control list selector that has input

focus, or you can link the buttons to a specific control list selector.

Piloted Control List Indicators:

Piloted control list selectors allow an operator or remote device to scroll through a list of

states for a process and select one of the states. A highlight in the list shows the current


Choosing between piloted control list selectors and control

list selectors

Piloted control list selectors include the following features that control list selectors do


  • The states can be selected either by an operator, or remotely, for example by a programmable controller, or by both an operator and a remote device. Individual states can be turned off, to prevent them from being selected by either the operator or the remote device. Control list selectors do not allow states to be turned off.

  • The state values of all of the items that are visible in the list can be written to the Visible States connection when the list scrolls. The Visible States connection must be a data-server tag that supports arrays. You cannot use an HMI tag. Control list selectors have no Visible States connection.

  • The state value of the item at the top of the list can be written to the Top Position connection when the list scrolls. Control list selectors have no Top Position connection.

How piloted control list selectors work at run time

A piloted control list selector can show several states at the same time, but only one state

can be selected at a time.

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  • MVP 2014

Sounds like a list of texts by pointer, with built in functions:

  • to scroll up and down (no need for INC/DEC in ladder)
  • select the currently displayed entry (no need for COMPARE in ladder)
  • more flexible loading of dynamic string source data, maybe direct link to DT?

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Sounds like a list of texts by pointer, with built in functions:

  • to scroll up and down (no need for INC/DEC in ladder)
  • select the currently displayed entry (no need for COMPARE in ladder)
  • more flexible loading of dynamic string source data, maybe direct link to DT?

Hi Simon,

Pretty much that is all it is. With the added notion of being able to view multiple lines in the list like a spreadsheet column.

Some act like drop down lists as well. You touch the field and it expands and you can see all the available entires (or maybe has a scroll bar also if you have more entries than the control is tall), then you simply select the one you want and it automatically loads that list offset into an operand you assign.

I like your hint about the DT link as well. I was afraid to suggest it at the expense of making it seem like too much work, but that would be a really slick feature.



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