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VNC Viewer that simulated touch screen effect?


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We have successfully connected to our headless plc with a VNC viewer on a tablet (android) but they act like a computer mouse where when you move your finger a curser on screen moves.  Is there a better VNC viewer that acts as a touch screen (finger click/taps)  instead of a mouse moving with touch screen?

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I'm not sure that there is a solution. I don't know what virt-viewer gives, but VNC protocol is a very old protocol, which its last update was in 2011, long before touch screens where mainstream. It's designed to support mouse and keyboard, so it doesn't surprise me that you see a mouse cursor where ever you touch.

The protocol is being maintained by RealVNC, and this explains the protocol https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6143

As far as I know, the protocol doesn't support multi-touch, and as much as I remember, it doesn't transfer audio.

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