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Control Architecture


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Hi all,

I have doubts about wich control architecture would be appropiate for a project that i have on development. I'm thinking to work with a single HMI+CPU as main hmi control and distributed I/O signals using URB Adapters + I/O Modules, cause i have to do six equipments with same characteristics:

  • Digital Input: 4   
  • Digital Output: 5 
  • Analog Input: 8 (current)
  • Analog Output: 3 (current)
  • Thermocouples: 8
  • Comms: 1xRS232 + 1xRS485

My main doubt is I've never worked with the URB Adapters, but i guess this project is a good option for them. So the architecture should be something like this(*Comms Modules could be attached on HMI+CPU):


I know there are many options and configurations, but lately i'm facing some problems with delivery time on UniStream Local i/o modules, so i want to give a chance to UniStream Remote family. What do you think about the architecture? Any information or feedback will be appreciate.

Thanks, BR

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  • MVP 2023

The I/O scheme you've shown will work just fine.

You'll be pleasantly surprised with how easy the URB adapters are to work with.  You define everything in UniStream and assign IP addresses to each URB, and then plug them all in.  They work great.

On 4/14/2023 at 2:29 AM, rockber said:

i'm facing some problems with delivery time on UniStream Local i/o modules,

This is actually the real problem.  In the US, UniStream I/O is still running at 8-24+ weeks delivery, depending on the part number.  That will affect your Comms modules, which are on the 24+ side right now.   Your distributor should be able to give you an answer on the Ethernet I/O.

Joe T.


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  • 1 month later...
On 4/16/2023 at 4:52 AM, Joe Tauser said:

The I/O scheme you've shown will work just fine.

You'll be pleasantly surprised with how easy the URB adapters are to work with.  You define everything in UniStream and assign IP addresses to each URB, and then plug them all in.  They work great.

This is actually the real problem.  In the US, UniStream I/O is still running at 8-24+ weeks delivery, depending on the part number.  That will affect your Comms modules, which are on the 24+ side right now.   Your distributor should be able to give you an answer on the Ethernet I/O.

Joe T.


I prefer the TCP/URB IO modules instead of the "local" IO modules of unistream PLC's

-> the analog output modules (like ARU-0004X) are galvanic isolated , the  UIA-0006 are not (already blown a few up😒😒)

Remember that you can only use max. 8 URB/TCP modules connected to one PLC....

another advantage -> when you loose connection with a URB adapter, the rest is still available.... 

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