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Max number of HMI screens and Subroutines

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I tried to create more than 24 screens on samba 4.3 ,and was suprised it cannot be done ( it was stated in the spec, i missed that part).
what about samba 7 ?
vision series ?
unistream ?

same with subroutines, what is the limit ? (this one is not in the spec).


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    SAMBA   is a  very stripped down version of a regular Vision  ( V350, V430, V700)    PLC with     "severe " limits on usable memory.

   SAMBA is meant for small stand alone projects.

    Just a few differences   ( for  a full   listing of the  limits, refer to a  SAMBA Spec Sheet   )

                                                          SAMBA                          Vision( ex  V350)

MB                                                       512                                              8192

MI                                                          256                                              4096

ML                                                            32                                                512

MF                                                            24                                                  64

HMI Screens                                      24                                                1024

micro SD Card                                 NO                                                YES

I/O Expansion                                   NO                                               YES


UniStream B3   Series has limits ( Check the Specs), but the B5 and B10  models have lots of space.


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Hey Dan,

thanks for the answer, there seems to be a very big gap between samba and vision.
I'll take it into account in the next project.
what is a B3 series Unistream ? I can't find such model in the website.

what about the subroutine limit?
I like to split them for clarity, but if there is a close limit (lets say 35-40) I can combine them and only watch out for the memory space.
also, do I get "punished" for multiple subroutines in terms of scan time, relative to the same program in a denser form ?


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about your subroutine question

I have a univison type uSP-104-B10 (B10 stands for type  of CPU, is TOPmodel😁😁) and in one of my programs I have already 9 modules and more than 100 "subroutines" without significant scan time (+- 48ms) -> I do have a lot of communication (modbus, opc UA, MQTT,Rest API,ethernet/IP) and over 40 PID's

The only thing to watch is the depth of calling subroutines -> max 8 levels !

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The UniStream  B3  Models  - 2 Only -- are in the UniStream   PLC Section - Tech Documenmts 

       USC-B3-R20  or   T20.   They do not have a Built in HMI, The HMI is Virtual -- VNC from Display  or PC

The B3  is a subset of the Full UniStream Series  and has  Limits,  but still very functional for the right applications.

The unit has  3 GB for programming,

Spec sheet  does not specify a limit to the Virtual HMI's,  or subtroutines called from the main.  ( The layered limit is subroutines calling subroutines.)





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