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Burn Upload Project

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This is my first post and first time I face Unitronics PLC. We have customer who has HVAC systems base on Unitronics PLC. The problem is that our customer doesn’t have the PLC project, so is impossible to change some of the controls of the system. I connected to the PLC by ethernet and try upload the project but get the following message: “This project cannot be uploaded because: -the option Burn Upload was not selected when the project was downloaded, or – due to incomplete data in the PLC”.  So, I want to ask Unitronics experts if they is some way to buy pass this message or nothing can be done? Thanks in advance for you time.



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Chances are the program was downl;oaded into the PLC without  the Upload Option, or the Upload option requires a password.

There is no way you are going to get to upload the program from the PLC.

You will have to contact the HVAC manufacturer   and see if they will release a copy of the program to you - chances are - NOT.

Are you able to go thru the menus  provided to be able to change parameters?   Are these sufficient?

What is the model of the PLC ?   ( White tag on side of the PLC )

     There is also Info Mode to get into some basic PLC( Not Program) Parameters.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to ask one more question in this topic. How can I back up the project from the controller? I don’t want to upload it with editing purposes, I need to have it, if something happened to the hardware. Is it possible to use SD card or other way to get in (in compile form for example)? I need to have in case of controller problem and be able to load it in new PLC.

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18 minutes ago, Nomad said:

I want to ask one more question in this topic. How can I back up the project from the controller? I don’t want to upload it with editing purposes, I need to have it, if something happened to the hardware. Is it possible to use SD card or other way to get in (in compile form for example)? I need to have in case of controller problem and be able to load it in new PLC.


Only possible if the original programmer enabled that option. 



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  • MVP 2023

If there is an SD already in the 350, have you carefully checked it for any files?  There might be a backup of the program on the card, if the original developer thought it OK.

If they thought this way, there might be various named files which could be backups...of sorts.  If you locate any files within the directory structure you will find already exisiting on the SD, save them and ask the forum about them.  Or consult Visilogic help.

Has the customer fully checked all their computers for any file with *.vlp?

cheers, Aus

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