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Now with SQL: UniLogic 1.18.37 • U90 Ladder 6.6.24 + New Jazz

Cara Bereck Levy


The R&D gurus at Unitronics headquarters have been hard at work - and so, we present you with:

>drum roll<    UniLogic 1.18.37  >drum roll<

Here are a few version highlights:

SQL Connectivity: Highly convenient and easy to use, UniLogic enables programmers to build SQL Queries and execute them via Ladder functions, including data transfer data between UniStream’s Data Tables and remote SQL databases. 



HMI Custom Controls: A programmer can create an HMI Custom Control, and then drag and drop it from the Solution Explorer, export/import it between projects as .uluce files, or add it to the Library.  Programmers can also define tags that are local to a specific Custom Control; local tags are exported/imported along with the control.

Other convenient features include an HMI email Configuration Widget, the ability to edit email accounts via UniApps as well as UniApps interface translations for Russian, Polish, and Chinese. To enjoy these as well as other additional features and enhancements, download it from  http://unitronicsplc.com/software-unilogic/



U90 Ladder version, 6.6.24 + New Jazz® 2

We have also released a new U90 Ladder version, 6.6.24.  This version brings you the option to create a download File (*.d90) without connecting to a physical PLC.

You can then use the *.d90 file to create zipped project via UniDownloader Designer to be used in Unitronics' UniDownloader software utility (*.udc)

This version also supports a new Jazz® 2 controller model, a compact, full-function PLC that comprises an excellent built-in I/O configuration, plus an integrated
text display.

The new model, JZ20-UA24, offers 15 inputs:
9 digital, 1 high-speed counter, 2 inputs that can be wired as analog or digital, and 2 analog inputs that can be wired as thermocouple or PT100 . The output configuration includes 5 relay, 2 transistor, and 2 analog outputs.



Like all Jazz® 2 controllers, JZ20-UA24 brings you 48K (virtual) Ladder Logic memory, a built-in mini USB programming port, and is 30 times faster than Unitronics’ standard Jazz® controller, allowing industrial control processes to enjoy more power, speed and functionality at the same low price.










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