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Cara Bereck Levy

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Posts posted by Cara Bereck Levy

  1. Just to clarify: the 'run as admin' is necessary for UniLogic at all, the Install does behind the scene gymnastics, so it isn't an issue. Also,
    I just spoke to the Saraguru - just be aware that although this will be added to the Utilities he mentioned, it is going to take a little time.


    6 hours ago, hotwires said:

    One thing I must give credit to Unitronics, Inc for is that they are very responsive when there is a legitimate issue with their software.

    We try :-)

    6 hours ago, hotwires said:

    I'm still nudging for MODBUS mixed R/W in UniStream and getting the help fully loaded on unilogic. It was a rough transition from VisiL to UniL for me.

    We're trying :-)

  2. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about it, Joe is right. The Help for FBs is separate from the Help for the VisiLogic main program, because the FBs themselves are separate modules, which allows FBs to be updated independently. A limitation of the .chm Help format is the inability to link to individual topics in other .chms.

    I just this minute did something that should prove helpful, though. I don't know whether or not to feel like an utter idiot for not thinking of this 10 years ago - because the issue is at least that old - or very proud of myself for thinking of it now, at 6:30 am in the sunny Middle East, before I've even -good lord - had my coffee.

    The next version of VisiLogic Help will contain a topic called MODBUS Slave Addressing, which will at least come up in Search. tell the user to click on a link to open the MODBUS.chm, and look for the topic Slave Addressing.

    Not very elegant, but at some sort of improvement.

    It will be in the next VL release.



  3. My apologies.
    The request was looked into, and has proved impossible to implement - or rather, not impossible, but not practical in terms of the facts. The gauges are rendered as a graphic image. To enable these values to come from tags would mean that the PLC would need to draw the values, and calculate the locations, and in the case of the circular gauges, the ranges are radial...the overhead required is just too much.

    Again, I apologize. The request was indeed added, but could not be honored, and I should have reported this.

  4. 14 hours ago, Saragani said:

    You are correct, the pane gets hidden. Since UniLogic 1.18, you can undock panes out of UniLogic (so you can work with multiple windows). This required using a different control for the panes management.

    There is a Help Topic: Customizing your UniLogic Environment.

    It has a .gif that shows how to float panes

  5. On 2/10/2017 at 0:07 AM, Ausman said:

    On Timers, if you haven't used them much yet, have a good read of the help files via Index/Timers.  Explains well.  Ages ago I took a while to get my head around the way Unitronics do them, making them via using Direct Coil was new to me.  Also that they only have 3 types.

    I have to thank Joe Tauser for that. He did an LOT of QA on those timer diagrams.

  6. On 2/6/2017 at 8:57 AM, Ausman said:

    To get around the "outdated" issue, I would think it would be easy for your super programmers to come up with a little script that could accompany said Library, or even incorporate a "check for updates" button that could be included in the startup folders.

    It is certainly possible. If I get more requests, I will submit a feature request. The HW docs now live in a management system, for reasons having to do with standards, and this co,pmlicates matters. When we originally set up the HW Library install, the docs lived in a network folder, which made it very easy for us. 

  7. We no longer publish this because people would install the "Library", not update it, and then use outdated specs, which created problems.
    However, if a user requests it, we can provide the "Library" via ftp - with the understanding that that it contains the documents current at that point in time.


  8. On 1/17/2017 at 11:37 PM, Ausman said:

    ...they will eventually catch up on, eventually realising the things they now see as normality are often really stupid.  They'll eventually be annoyed at all the ridiculous things done by government, morons, losers, users, and all the other human failings/characters one encounters.

    They'll be too busy watching reality TV. As long as government doesn't interfere with the Kardashians, they won't care.
    A few weeks ago,  a house guest turned on the TV and tuned in to that show. I had never seen it - I average maybe 3 hours of TV a month, and it would never occur to me to watch something like that.
    I was stunned.
    The absurdity is that people care about these reality shows more than what the government is doing. 


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