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Posts posted by Flex727

  1. Visilogic is overall probably the best PLC ladder logic editor that exists. I love using it and tear my hair out when I have to use software for another manufacturer's PLC. However, these are valid complaints. Another I notice is when performing the standard Windows "Save As" function, the file name space is blank. All other Windows programs helpfully fill in the current file name which can be edited before saving. This is useful for two reasons, if the file name is not edited, then Windows will ask if you're sure before saving. The other reason is so that the file name will more likely be the one you really want. I don't know how many times I have almost saved a file using the wrong name because I am usually working on several projects at once (or several different PLCs of the same project).

  2. Ofir, I'm sure your question is directed to the original post, but in my case I am using regular Download. I don't burn until the project is finalized. In my case, a complex program might be downloaded to the PLC dozens (or perhaps hundreds) of times before I'm done (this is one reason why I've been begging for online editing capability). The image corruption is rare, but it has happened to me several times over the last few years. It seems to me that the problem is worse with the V1210 than the V570, but I don't have hard data to support that.

    I am currently using Visilogic 9.4.0 on a Win 7-64 bit machine.

    By the way, I don't consider this a serious problem. As far as I can tell, it affects program development only. Once the PLC is in the field it doesn't occur.

  3. linxchas has the correct answer for you, Count, but you expressed confusion about the behavior of the different kinds of coils in Visilogic. Here is a quick summary:

    Direct coil:


    -| |--( )-

    When A is TRUE, the coil will be ON and when A is FALSE, the coil will be OFF

    Set coil:


    -| |--(S)-

    When A is TRUE, the coil will be ON and when A is FALSE, the state of the coil will be unchanged (if it was ON, it will remain ON, if it was OFF, it will remain OFF).

    Reset coil:


    -| |--®-

    When A is TRUE, the coil will be OFF and when A is FALSE, the state of the coil will be unchanged (if it was ON, it will remain ON, if it was OFF, it will remain OFF).

    Toggle coil:



    Each time A transitions to TRUE, the coil will change its state (if it was OFF, it will turn ON, if it was ON, it will turn OFF).

  4. I've run across a situation which may be the same as this, or at least somewhat similar. When I am engaged in program development with a project with a lot of images, after repeated downloads of the project for troubleshooting, the images on the PLC somehow get corrupted. This only happens after a large number of project downloads when there are a lot of images on the PLC. I have found that if I load a blank project onto the PLC then re-download the original project, all is well again. Nothing else I have found will correct the corrupted image problem.

  5. Sorry, but:

    - There will not be USB in V570/560.

    Never say never! I was surprised to find a mini-USB port on a V570 that just arrived in our inventory. While trying to figure out where to find a driver I stumbled upon this very old thread.

    Now, if we could just get online editing, a PLC simulator, and 640x480 resolution on a V570, I will be in heaven.

    By the way, I installed the driver, per the instructions in this thread on my Win7-64 bit laptop (using Visilogic 9.4) and everything went smoothly. The USB port appears to work properly - I was able to connect to the PLC, but I haven't tried downloading a program yet.

  6. You've probably already checked this, but confirm that the COM port didn't change. Go into Device Manager and check which COM port your USB-Serial Converter is using and make sure it matches the one in the VisiLogic Communication Settings. Also, while you're there, make sure the USB-Serial Converter is enabled and functioning properly in Device Manager.

  7. My original thread seems to have been hijacked, so just in case my remaining question has been overlooked I'll repeat it - I really need an answer:

    Sorry to be so dense, but I'm still not understanding the workaround. Cara, you said, "Until we issue a new OS, save the values again after the power up scan." I don't understand what this means - EVERY scan is after the power up scan. Furthermore, saving the values doesn't appear to be the problem (at least a file is created, though maybe it's garbage), it appears to me to be the upload to PLC that's not working correctly. Perhaps my understanding of the issue is faulty - can you explain in more detail?

    This issue is important to me and I need to understand exactly what is going on. I have a number of PLCs at customer sites with very specific configurations that would be very difficult to reproduce manually. I have always saved the operands to the SD card (along with the application, etc) in the event of some catastrophe to allow the customer to return his PLC, new or otherwise, to the correct state quickly. Are those operand files flawed, or do I need a specific upload procedure?

  8. Sorry to be so dense, but I'm still not understanding the workaround. Cara, you said, "Until we issue a new OS, save the values again after the power up scan." I don't understand what this means - EVERY scan is after the power up scan. Furthermore, saving the values doesn't appear to be the problem (at least a file is created, though maybe it's garbage), it appears to me to be the upload to PLC that's not working correctly. Perhaps my understanding of the issue is faulty - can you explain in more detail?

    This issue is important to me and I need to understand exactly what is going on. I have a number of PLCs at customer sites with very specific configurations that would be very difficult to reproduce manually. I have always saved the operands to the SD card (along with the application, etc) in the event of some catastrophe to allow the customer to return his PLC, new or otherwise, to the correct state quickly. Are those operand files flawed, or do I need a specific upload procedure?

  9. "What if I include this same coil several times in a scan? Would it count quicker than normal?" Yes it will, as Simon said, but you should adhere to the practice of never have the same coil more than once in a program. That is bad, bad ladder logic programming. One exception to this rule _might_ be when there is a program set up for multiple configurations where the coil might exist in two (or perhaps more) different subroutines that will never both be called.

  10. Strangely, I've found the 2GB Sandisk cards to be the MOST reliable with these PLCs. There are a couple of things to try. 1) Format the card in a desktop PC instead of a laptop. 2) Use the free Panasonic SD card formatter to format the card first, then use the Unitronics SD Card Tool after.

    Until recently, I had lots of problems with SD cards and Unitronics PLCs. Since then, I've upgraded to Windows 7 64-bit and VisiLogic 9.4.0 and now no more problems. I'm not sure which of these solved my problems or if it was something else.

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