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Unistream update progress bar

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  • MVP 2023

When you update the OS on a Unistream the screen flashes but you have no idea as to the progress of the update. I've been watching it flash for 45 minutes and I don't know if I should wait a little longer or if the PLC has gone bye-bye. 

Is it possible to make the update screen more verbose with a progress bar and other status messages? 

Joe T. 

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  • MVP 2023

The model is a USP-156-B10.  We did it using a USB flash drive.

We had other things to do so we let it keep flashing.  The update took an hour, but it did finish.

This was from version 1.32.98 to 1.34.195.

Should we have done an interim update to 1.33?

Joe T.

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