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Vision 280 PLC Name

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When I enter Info mode, I get the following main menu options: System,  Function Block,  Hardware Configuration,  Signature Log,  TCP/IP and Data Type. 

I'm thinking I have a different software revision level.

Which one of these menus will get me to the screen that shows the PLC name?

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So whoever is in the same bind that I was, here is how you find the PLC name.

Go into Info mode (press and hold i button, enter 1111 for password)

Use the up/down arrow keys to find the menu "Data Types" and press "Enter" key

Scroll down until you get to "System Dwords" and press "Enter" key

Using the up/down arrow keys, go to address 9

The value at this address is your PLC name. In my case it was 10 numbers

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