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Visilogic 9.4 Invalid Bands Collection Index

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It appears I have found a new way to crash Visilogic.


Not sure what this means, but when powering up Vislogic it gave me this error and then would not display the application.

I could see the application was resident in memory using Task Manager. Outiside of Task Manager you would not know it was running.

I had to uninstall and reinstall to recover.

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  • 2 months later...

Aha, it happended again! Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oddly enough I did not even remember this thread.

I did a search for the error on the fourm and up popped one hit.

I said hey, look, someone else already had the same problem.

Then I said hey, that someone else was me.

Getting old is so much fun.

Anyhow, the application I was trying to open was in post #8 here


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Well .... this did not work.

Instead now it actually does open Visilogic, but then it gives me another invalid bands error once I'm inside.

It also gave me another error as well that I was not able to capture.

It definitely got me further in, but did not fix it.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...
On 8/9/2012 at 8:24 AM, Damian said:

Parece que he encontrado una nueva manera de estrellarse Visilogic.


No está seguro de lo que esto significa, pero al encender VisLogic me dio este error y, a continuación, no se mostrará la aplicación.

Pude ver la aplicación residente en la memoria mediante el Administrador de tareas. Outiside del Administrador de tareas no vas a saber que estaba funcionando.

Tuve que desinstalar y volver a recuperarse.

hola me aparece un mensaje parecido, en mi caso aparaece:



Necesito copiar un programa a otro PLC y el VisiLogic , no abre.


Tengo windows 10.

Edited by Luis Benavides
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