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It is the second time I have the same problem with AO6X analog output modules - although in the Hardware Configuration I choose 4-20mA option for the current outputs, they produce 0-20mA anyway! Norlmally I use it with an inverters set to 4-20mA frequncy reference. OK, I switched inverters to 0-20mA, but there's another issue - 20mA does not correspond with the value of 4095 in an assigned MI, but with 4080! Very odd behaviour, not a real problem to me becuse I made it work anyway, but I had to report it here.

My best regards to all!




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Dear Nacho,

thanks a lot for the remark you've made, somehow I missed it while reading the Guide. :huh:

On the other hand, this means that the unit actually produces 0-20mA in both modes, so one has to use linearization network (or some similar calculation method) to scale 0-OUTmax in 819-4095 units instead of 0-4095. Logical question is then why there is a switch in a Hardware Configuration menu, i.e. what really changes when I change it? It seems - nothing.

Also, I don't expect output current to be dependent of the inverter input impedance as long as it is within specified range.

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  • 8 years later...

I totally agree.

Usually I would select 4-20mA  and this would mean that if I send 0 to MI register linked to OUTUT the OUTPUT would be 4mA. (NOT 0mA!!!)

In case of IO-AO6X this setting have no effect on analog output.

I think that this is HARDWARE BUG.



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  • MVP 2023
On 6/7/2013 at 2:54 AM, Sremac said:

Logical question is then why there is a switch in a Hardware Configuration menu, i.e. what really changes when I change it? It seems - nothing.

I've often wondered this, too, but just got used to it. It's just the way Unitronics does it and I agree that getting the full range at 4-20mA (of 4096 steps instead of only 3277 steps) would be preferable. However, you always have to check the spec sheet because some of the I/O, most notably the Snap-In modules, do have 4096 steps for the 4-20mA analog.

10 minutes ago, farcry said:

I think that this is HARDWARE BUG.

Not a bug, since it is clearly defined in the spec sheet. This is just their philosophy, which we can disagree with, but it is what it is. Not that big a deal really.

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Dear Flex727.

I agree the range 4-20mA can easily be achieved with linearization.

It's just that the option to select 4-20mA is confusing. It should be only 0-20mA option.

That selecting either of those two options doesn't make any difference on OUTPUT, should be mentioned in manual.


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