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RTC Date & Time


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I have been looking into the new UniStream equipment and I am very impressed!

Can someone shed some light on the Date / Time / UTC structs?  It currently seems very long winded to use a date or time function within the ladder, but the help folder says that an included date / time struct is available.  Can someone point me to where this is?

I'm looking to write the date to a data table, with Visilogic this was a simple RTC to ASCII task.

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Hi Russ, 

What you are looking for is a struct in "System" (lower left of the software) will be labeled  RTC Date and RTC Time. You can refrence or copy the struct as well. With the copy struct function to generate a buffer for the RTC if this is required for your logging purposes. This will be referenced when writing to a DT. 

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