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USB Modem


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Hey Folks,

I discussed this with support yesterday, but I am still having trouble.  I have a Sixnet Land Line modem connected to a V350.  The V350 has a RS232 expansion port.  On the other end I have a US Robotics USB modem connected to a PC running Visilogic and Remote Access.  The PC dials and the modems connect.  However, I can't go online.  I am concerned about the flow control on the USB modem.  Do you have anyone with experience with USB modems?
Take Care
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  • MVP 2023

The US Robotics modem may be adding error correction characters you don't know about that are causing the Sixnet modem to choke.  You'll need to chase down the AT command set reference for you modem and issue a command to turn off error correction.  There is a reason why I know this. 


Has this setup ever worked?


Joe T.

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  • MVP 2014

It's a while since we set up a landline link.  If you can figure out the details, such as Joe posted, then it is good to have that knowledge.  We always followed the less subtle method of only using two identical modems, which makes it simple.

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Hey Folks,


Thanks for the response.  No this has never worked.  My customer did not want to purchase a second Sixnet modem, because his customer wants to us a laptop computer for remote monitoring.  The US Robotics USB modem is a V.92.  I think Joe is correct, the problem is the error correction and data compression.  I tried to turn on V.44 data compression and error correction, with no luck.  Sixnet has a V.92 modem "VT-Modem-5"  I am thinking about trying one.  Modems are always a pain.


Take Care


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