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HMI images like pumps, pipings etc where?


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If you browse for an image, then you should see in the File Browser Dialog a shortcut to the UniPics (see attached screenshot)

You have pipes, motors, pumps etc.


The tanks you were talking about are probably the tank element (which also have a progressbar/bargraph inside it, so it can be linked to a Tag)



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Are there any images available to integrate in the HMI displays like there was on visilogic. I only could find Tanks.





Maurice: there is another option if you are looking for high quality 3D render images. Please visit www.plc-apps.com

I will like to hear what do you think about the libraries.

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  • 3 years later...
On 2/27/2014 at 4:20 PM, HigHTech said:

Maurice: there is another option if you are looking for high quality 3D render images. Please visit www.plc-apps.com

I will like to hear what do you think about the libraries.

Greeatings , have someone to know where can i finde this librari free


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