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Modbus TCP/IP Communication between V350er OPLC's

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Hi Unitronics Programmer,



I will build an Ethernet Network with more V350-35-TA24 PLC's.


One V350 (as Master) and five V350er  (as Slave).


Protocol Modbus TCP/IP, Socket 2, Ports 502.


Is there a practical solution?


Does anyone have such a Project already realized?


Best regards


Holger Fieron



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  • MVP 2023

Fieron is referring to the 4 socket limitation. You will need to connect and disconnect to each slave as needed, or on a regular cycle, depending on your application. Just be aware that it will take a large fraction of a second (or two) to perform the disconnect/reconnect process. I have done this successfully, but I sure would like to see an optimized routine for accomplishing this published as a best practice by Unitronics or an experienced programmer.

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Fieron is referring to the 4 socket limitation. You will need to connect and disconnect to each slave as needed, or on a regular cycle, depending on your application. Just be aware that it will take a large fraction of a second (or two) to perform the disconnect/reconnect process. I have done this successfully, but I sure would like to see an optimized routine for accomplishing this published as a best practice by Unitronics or an experienced programmer.

With 5 you can easily do it in less than 1 second. Remember you just need about 100 ms/slave.

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  • MVP 2023

With 5 you can easily do it in less than 1 second. Remember you just need about 100 ms/slave.

I haven't been successful at getting the total time down to 100 ms. Either the socket doesn't properly close or the data exchange fails, etc. Can you post some code, or even just a step-by-step algorithm that can make that happen?

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