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Hello I am beginner of Unitronics PLC. I have V350 series,R34. Is here a demo or an example this type of application? First problem which I have to solve is how to set value into timer by writing value via HMI. Could you help me?

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Thanks. I have done my "project". But I have 1 problem with  toggling an outputs which I have been solving for 1 week but I still can not find the solution. I can not use your solution because I use the timer which time settings value is from variable in HMI. It is not a constant in the program. Why does my oscillator count twice faster? 


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Thanks, but I need to create an oscillator. If I do not use the timer coil it will not oscillate.. I need to increment the counter in defined time(which can be changed via HMI). Is there any other easy way to do it?

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