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Type A USB Host Ports


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  • MVP 2023

I'm looking for some information about these USB ports. The Help file seems to indicate they can be used for serial communications. Is there any other functionality?


I find that 5 volts is available even if the ports are not enabled in the UniLogic software. This is very handy for certain applications I have in mind, but is there anything else I can do with these ports?

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  • 1 month later...

Currently the ports are for updating the firmware of the controller through UniApps, connecting a serial modem, utilizing the the port for serial communications with the message composer, or using a generic mouse for HMI control.


The USB port can also be used to transfer files to and from the SD card, as well as uploading/downloading programs.

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  • 6 months later...



Is it possible to connect a USB scanner to the Unistream PLC via USB?

Or maybe an external keyboard?


Thanks in advanced,


Hello Ran,


The UniStream USB ports come with standard mouse and keyboard drivers installed.  So you may attach a keyboard or mouse without any extra programming.


The USB hosts may also be enabled for RS232 communications via the UniLogic application.  Once enabled, you may accept and send RS232 messages to any RS232 device.  Therefore, if the scanner is an RS232 device, we may program the UniStream to communicate with it.


Please watch this video for more information on programming the UniStream for third-party protocols using the Message Composer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8bWtpYDt7E&list=PLFBq_OH6_be7snAZAycZzQMvAWjHkX9Pz&index=22

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