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"Hide" and "Marking" HMI function


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I have been using under Visilogic the feature to "Hide" and "Marking" screen buttons. Like this I could hide the button, if its function should not be active (not only disabled, but really "gone") - display it again, when its usage was alllowed and even use the "marked" button as feedback, if for example its initiated function was active. 1 button - 3 functions.


In Unilogic I am now at the point to use binary image elements, but I am only managing to get one of the two functions implemented at once: hiding the button using two images (one blank images), but then without the marking view, while a "marked" binary image cannot be hidden anymore.


Question: is there a combined "mark" and "hide" function existing in Unilogic?


Thanks a lot in advance!





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There is a way to hide the element using the Tag: Visibility attribute in the properties window. This will perform the same task as "hide" in VisiLogic.


There is not a marking color, though the disable color can be modified instead of the standard grey. Another way to draw attention would be to place a simple colored rectangle behind the element that could be hidden by default, but then enabled which would put a border around the element or change the background color if the background of the element is transparent.

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