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Multiple connection live checking tip.


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  • MVP 2023

Hi all,

some of you might have read my post here:  


I have been trying different approaches to this problem and have finally found one that makes it a bit easier.

I have always had multiple instances of Visi set up for when I am writing code.  If you don't know about this capability, read this entire post:


to get the overall picture and pay attention to Shane's post at #4.

For my multiple online monitoring I have had great success using many multiple instances of Visi, all with their own access address and program set for the plc I want to connect to on the same system.  I leave all the instances open, overlapping enough to be a useful size but able to be clicked easily to bring that window into focus.  I also run a remote access instance set to another sub-address on the unit that I just only need to observe.

I have found this entire process to be invaluable when needing to skip quickly between various plcs on a connection.  Instead of disconnecting, finding and loading the relevant program again, changing the unit id drop-down and then finally clicking connect, you simply disconnect in the currrent window, focus the relevant one, click connect and you're in.  AND on the correct plc/program match without any stuffing around.....as long as you've got it right to start with!

I have found this to be an absolute boon on working on a system that was previously a PITA to monitor and adjust due to all the linked plcs.  The only caution is not to forget to disconnect on switchover, otherwise the network error comes up.  But truly, it's a doddle compared to the previous way!



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • MVP 2023

And now for my next trick........I found that you can also do multiple instances of Remote Access.  Very useful if that is all that is needed, rather than running the full blown program.

And, drum roll, the double whammy is that if you have different models on the same network, it actually "shows" them, reducing confusion even more!  My pic shows two over the top of writing this post.





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  • 3 years later...
  • MVP 2023

And another comment.  Be aware that you cannot cut/paste between the instances, owing to the fundamentals of how  it all works. 

The best you can do in this regard is Export from one and Import to another, but this needs to be done with great care owing to Import overwriting any contained elements that already exist in your destination program.

cheers, Aus

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