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SA\RES-121 shipped with V100-17CAN What is it?

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I ordered a v130 PLC and a V100-17-CAN to pair with it.


I instealled the CAN as the directions stated, however there is a resister? I assume is what it is that was shipped with the CAN. The label states it is SA\RES-121. Where does this go/what is it?


Thank you!

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The SA\RES-121 is a 121 ohm terminating resistor for the CANbus network.  If our PLC will the a physical end on the CANbus network, you must place this 121 ohm resistor across the DATA lines to terminate the network. 


You can see a disgram of this wiring with the terminating resistor in the help files of VisiLogic. Networks (CAN, Serial) \ CANbus Networking.  There is a green link for the Wiring Diagram - click on it to view this section.


Hope this helps.

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