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Can you set the time duration of a drum sequence row from a MI, or T ?

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Hi All-

I am trying to find a way to make the time duration for a drum sequence line to be set by a variable that the user would enter from a "menu" screen.

I s this possible? I have not been able to find anything related to this in any of the documentation. 

The only way I can find is to set the duration in the drum config.


BTW- I am trying to do this with a V280.





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I think I worked through this before.  You cannot directly change the drum sequence step time.  There is a work around.


If you use 0 time for the step, you can use a timer to trigger the next step function block when the time runs out.  The timer duration can be set through variables.

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  • MVP 2023

Hi Bill,


Further to Chris's suggestion, I actually do it the other way around.  I have the drum sequences set at the absolute maximum allowed for each step, and then adjust things downwards from there externally.  This way the progression of the sequence is ensured if something's not right, or a setting is forgotten.  Just a different way of looking at what you want to do.




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