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Visilogic Version Swapper problems

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I have installed many versions of Unitronics in my work PC as my company have controllers with different Visilogic versions programs. It came out that only version 9.8.31 works correctly. When i swap from 9.8.31 to 9.8.22 and then 9.8.22 to 9.8.9 it gives me following messages:

  • Load 15Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal
  • Run-time error'91': Object variable or With block variable not set
  • Run-time error'5': Invalid procedure call or argument
  • Load 12Type mismatch
  • Run-time error'13': Type mismatch
  • Run-time error'9': subscript out of range

I have found old forum topic about run-time error'9', where it is suggested to install Microsoft MDAC and JetDB from Unitronics CD, but i latest CD i have is 7.01 version and i couldnt find JetDB there at all. Maybe these programs could be downloaded from net or is it necessary at all? (here is the topic from old forum http://www.unitronics.com/forum_old/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1195)

NB! I run all the programs as Administrator!

Please help me with a good advice or any info, thank you.

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  • MVP 2023

Hi Vamalgise,

Have a look at my post (no. 2) here: 

The response you're getting looks exactly like what used to happen to me on installing the latest version of either Swapper or Visi.  Go through the process carefully doing my steps and you should be ok.  Any upgrade of any element seemed to stuff things up....my impression is that if you put in the latest Visi, you have to go to the latest swapper for it to be able to adjust things correctly during changeover.  And in doing that, you have to tell the new swapper all the loads you want, and that's where my method makes it fairly easy.

Hopefully this will help.  See how you go.  Ohh yeah one last thing. Make sure you do each of the installs as run as admin as well.



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On 10.1.2017 at 11:02 PM, Ausman said:

Hi Vamalgise,

Have a look at my post (no. 2) here: 

The response you're getting looks exactly like what used to happen to me on installing the latest version of either Swapper or Visi.  Go through the process carefully doing my steps and you should be ok.  Any upgrade of any element seemed to stuff things up....my impression is that if you put in the latest Visi, you have to go to the latest swapper for it to be able to adjust things correctly during changeover.  And in doing that, you have to tell the new swapper all the loads you want, and that's where my method makes it fairly easy.

Hopefully this will help.  See how you go.  Ohh yeah one last thing. Make sure you do each of the installs as run as admin as well.



Thanks Aus, i did not mention that i also copy Visilogi_C and rename it according to the latest installed version, as you suggested. Only thing i did not do, i did not run installation files as admin. I always use Swapper which is in latest installed Visilogic pack in Visilogic_C folder.

Should i try to reinstall everything as an admin and which Swapper should i use? 

Thank you

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  • MVP 2023

Hi again,

I haven't tried the latest versions so if this fails someone else or the creators will need to step in.  That said, I would definitely try redoing all your various installs as run as Admin and do the copy bit for virgin copies, as you have done.  Remove all the unitronics programs and perhaps even try a manual check of the registry to get rid of anything somehow left over.  A registry cleaner would likely help here.  Then start again with the different installs you need to have on your system, running all of them as Admin.  I would use the latest swapper.  This will be tedious doing all the previous version installs over again etc, but I think it is worth a try.

I always run anything I get from Unitronics as Admin, both the install files and the program.  Also, in case it helps, what Windows are you using?  If you are on 10, can you try it on 7 on another PC, or setup your PC as dual boot?  10 continues to mightily annoy me with my "10 test" laptop.  It forever does huge downloads of updates eating into my limited bandwidth, changes methodology, breaks working stuff, changes settings back to what Msoft wants, and those same changes make the laptop unusable for a while.....just when you need it to work quickly.



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