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Hello to All.

I am new to Unitronics PLC Programming.

I am using V570 and V200-18-E3xB.

I have 3 Proximity Switches. I need to use 2 of them as high speed counters and 1 proximity switch for Frequency Measurement.

I will use Input I0 as High Speed Counter 0 with Proximity Switch 1 

Input I1 for Frequency Measurement with Proximity Switch 2


Input I2 as High Speed Counter 2  

Please help me whether above requirement is possible with E3xB snap in or not ??

Thanks And Best Regards,


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  • MVP 2023

The E3XB will certainly work.

The high speed counters are grouped in pairs for connection to either a single high speed input or a quadrature encoder.  You'll want to configure the HSC tab I0,1 for a straight High Speed counter with no reset.  Make sure you use an ML as the register.

You don't need to connect a prox to I1 for frequency.  If you configure a frequency register it will measure the frequency of I0.

If the Frequency input is different than the sensor you're using to count then you'll need to connected it to a different HSC pair.

Joe T.


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Dear Sir,

I want to configure Proximity Switch 1 as Input  0 as high speed counter to count rotations of  Roller 1.

Proximity Switch 2 as Input 1 as high speed counter to count rotations of Roller 2.

Proximity Switch 2 as Input 2 to measure frequency of Roller 3.

Please Help me whether this is possible with E3xB or not ?


When I configure input I0 as HSC 0 in Hardware Configuration,  i cannot configure input  I1 as high Speed Counter 1. I can only configure input I1 as frequency measurement counter for Input I0.

Please help .





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  • MVP 2023

Thank you for the illustration.  It makes your needs clear.

Based on this, I was wrong about the module being able to do what you want.  An E3XB (and all the other snap I/O) only has two high speed inputs.

There are several V350 models that have three HSC inputs, but that's not what you have.

Depending on the speed of the rollers, you may be able to use regular inputs with an interrupt to do what you want.  How fast are the rollers turning?  

Are you picking up the pulses from the shafts?  Could roller C's speed be calculated as a ratio from Roller B's speed?  Is the tension between B and C relatively constant?

Joe T. 


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  • MVP 2023

Hi Maulik,

As Joe says, we need more info about the roller system.  The main one to me is are both A & B driven and the primary aim is varying tension between them via closed loop control?  Are C & D fixed, or on tensioner systems?  These questions are relevant bearing in mind the age old concept of trying to keep things simple.



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Yes, A & B are driven by a common hydraulic pump ( by vfd )

C and D are fixed.

Cloth is unwinded from Roller A to Roller B.

We have to maintain metres / minute speed of unwinding Roller. We will measure speed using proxy connected on Roller C.

Depending upon this speed we have to vary speed of hydraulic pump.



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  • MVP 2023

Keeping in mind Joe's last as important, I think that you only need to measure your speed at C with no other input at all.  It appears that your are arranging the hydraulics to take full care of all the tensioning requirements, so you don't need to monitor the main rollers A & B.  If C is spinning then everything else is working ok, and you do your vfd adjustment from there as it is the primary control source.  Perhaps you could also do a read of B's revs to check that it is going ok, but owing to it's changing diameter the revs will differ across a large range relative to the vfd setting.  You could use a distance sensor to measure the changing diameter and do maths to allow for this, but that is adding complexity I don't see as necessary.

So the speed of C, and your method of read, is important.  The more pulses per rev the better, up to the max the controller can correctly read.


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