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Error during compile...


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Dear All,

After that I changed few tags reference in few screen objects (string) that were already present and I done the "compile" I have had the errors below:

: Error in Line: 0, Column: 0, Message: _Init_Operands.cpp In function 'void _Init_Operands()'

_Init_Operands.cpp: Error in Line: 331, Column: 885, Message:  cannot convert 'volatile Queue_t*' to 'volatile MngArray_t*' in argument passing

arm-none-eabi-g++: Error in Line: 0, Column: 0, Message:  _Init_Operands.o No such file or directory

: Error in Line: 0, Column: 0, Message: arm-none-eabi-g++ fatal error no input files

: Error in Line: 0, Column: 0, Message: compilation terminated.

: Error in Line: 0, Column: 0, Message: compilation terminated.

: Error in Line: 0, Column: 0, Message: ::


Someone can help me to fix this?  I am using the version 1.18.60



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Dear Saragani,

In my project I inserted a FIFO data table but it was already present from time and I never had this problem; as I wrote after that I change some tag reference in some screen objects I have had this error during the compile...however following your suggestion " Did you change a data table indexed to a FIFO? " I checked the details of the FIFO data table and I found that the "data type" was changed from FIFO to index....I set again FIFO and the error is disappeared...I am quite sure that I  have not changed this...

anyway thanks for the help

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I installed again the Unilogic and seems ok but I don't understood one thing...when I create the first Struct I can choice any name that I want ("FIFO" or "fifo" included)...as second, or if I try to rename the first one, I can't choice "FIFO" or "fifo" (red labeled)...why?

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other thing that I have "found" is that if I open the GLOBAL varialble list and, I point one of these, I push the right mouse button the list close itself ...If I well remember with the previous versions a pop up menu should be open with some options (like search in the ladders)...? Same for the tags on the HMI objects.

maybe the downloaded file is corrupted?

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19 hours ago, ORSO2001 said:

I installed again the Unilogic and seems ok but I don't understood one thing...when I create the first Struct I can choice any name that I want ("FIFO" or "fifo" included)...as second, or if I try to rename the first one, I can't choice "FIFO" or "fifo" (red labeled)...why?

Because at some point, when you create a Data Table, UniLogic creates a struct or an enum named FIFO, and it detects a conflict (2 structs or tags with the same name).


16 hours ago, ORSO2001 said:


other thing that I have "found" is that if I open the GLOBAL varialble list and, I point one of these, I push the right mouse button the list close itself ...If I well remember with the previous versions a pop up menu should be open with some options (like search in the ladders)...? Same for the tags on the HMI objects.

maybe the downloaded file is corrupted?

I'm not sure I understand. Are you talking about the Auto-Complete? Meaning, then you click on a tag assignment, you get a list of all legal possible tags that you can enter to that assignment. Are you saying that in previous versions, you could have right clicked on any of the items in that list and select "Search"?

If not, then please explain. If yes, then I don't remember that it ever existed. You can right click on any tag assignment and search for the tag that appears in the expression (You can also press Ctrl+F for find or Ctr+H for replace and select the find&replace tags and search/replace scope)

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Dear Saragni,

about first point I understood.

About second point...The "issue"  was caused because was selected "auto hide" for the menus on the bottom; then if I select GLOBAL the tags list appears and if I pushed the mouse right button, on a tag, the menu disappear; I removed "auto hide" and let "dockable" then now when I push the mouse right button an a tag I have the pop up menu that include "find tag: xxxxx"...sorry...maybe this setting was changed after the new installation of Unilogic.


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OK, I understand,

You are correct, the pane gets hidden. Since UniLogic 1.18, you can undock panes out of UniLogic (so you can work with multiple windows). This required using a different control for the panes management.

The pane closes since it looses focus, so thanks for pointing it out.


One workaround for this issue is left clicking on a row on the grid first. Then if you right click, the context menu opens without hiding the pane.

I'll open a bug report for this issue.

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14 hours ago, Saragani said:

You are correct, the pane gets hidden. Since UniLogic 1.18, you can undock panes out of UniLogic (so you can work with multiple windows). This required using a different control for the panes management.

There is a Help Topic: Customizing your UniLogic Environment.

It has a .gif that shows how to float panes

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