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Something I noticed quite some time ago but never got around to asking about.

When using the "Reset Numric" coil, by definition it should "re-initialize" the value of the assigned variable.

However, instead, it always seems to just set the value back to "zero", regardless of what the "power up" value is.

example. ..

The power up value of MI5 is set to 6.

PLC powers up, MI5 = 6

I set MI5 to 7 manually

Then I pulse the Reset Numeric coil for MI5.

I would expect it to "re-initialize" MI5 to 6.

Instead it sets it to 0.

From the help file

"Select Reset Numeric, then place the function in the desired net.

In the following picture, when MB 0 turns ON, MI 0 will be initialized."

Is this possibly a bug?

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Hi, this is not a bug. Reset is defined to zero the operand.

Hi Stein,

Where are you referencing that it should "zero" the operand? In all the places I have seen in the help files it says that it "initializes" the operand. "Initialize implies that it should take on the power up value.

By the same token, It would be nice to have an element that performed both. Maybe keep the "reset" to set to zero and add a "re-init" that causes it to take on the power up value. The "reset" element is really handy and makes the code much more compact as opposed to using the STORE blocks.



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OK, Damian, I editied the Help. It now clearly states 'initialize to zero'.

Thanks, as always, for your input!B)

Hi Cara,

where I can find (and download) upgraded "manuals"?

I wrote a post some months ago about the "Users Manuals"... and in the official position there are still the ver 12/04.

Best regards


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On a somewhat related note .....

I don't know if anyone here has also use the RedLion Crimson 3 Software before. They don't have any real "help" files at all. If you click on help anywhere in the software, it boots adobe and loads the first page of their operation manual. When I asked them their answer was, this is the way it has always been, and this is the way it will always be.

One thing I really like about Visilogic is the great lengths they went through to try and make sure that help files are very well presented. There is a good balance of explanation and example. They often give graphics and screenshots. It is rare to find something undocumented, and even when you do, they are very quick to correct it if they are made aware of it.

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One thing I really like about Visilogic is the great lengths they went through to try and make sure that help files are very well presented. There is a good balance of explanation and example. They often give graphics and screenshots. It is rare to find something undocumented, and even when you do, they are very quick to correct it if they are made aware of it.

:wub: oh, Damian :wub:

Seriously, one of the things I am working on is a single-source documentation system that will produce both Help files and Word/ .pdf at a click. Supposedly, the tool that I use does--but in reality, the amount of clean-up I have to do in the Word files is huge, even though I have six macros I put together to clean things up...which is the backstory to the outdated manuals :(

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