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Unitronics, Festo Motor controller and Modbus TCP

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I have communication map. But when I trying to read holding register (03 and I know that festo controller supports this) I get communication message 7.
Master-slave data incorrectly syncronized.
That means that master has found incompatible elements in the data sent between masterand slave.

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I am using the exact same controller specified in the first post(CMMO-ST-C5-1-LKP).  Am wondering if somebody that got it to work could give me any pointers to get started.  Am pretty sure the setup is done correctly on the controller, but I'm having problems figuring out what the modbus addresses should be.  If it is not too much harder, I would like to access some parameters as well as the cyclic data.  I want to do direct positioning.

I appreciate any help!

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Hey Hoover, 

I put together many solid Uni/Festo applications. I can email you my demo for V350 supporting FHPP in profile positioning and direct mode (not record select). What is cool about Festo Handling Positioning Protocol is it works exactly the same over tcp or canbus. When reading from the cmmo first 4 bytes are status bits and the last 4bytes are a double word representing position/speed/current draw % depending on which mode your in. When you write these 8 bytes they are control bits and ref command.

  I’m on my iPad so I’ll try and post the vlp from laptop tomorrow. 

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Jason Hartley,

That would be greatly appreciated!!   I'm actually using a Unistream PLC, but should be able to get what I need from the vlp.

Thank You


6 hours later, this post still not approved by a moderator so will just edit it....

I did get a working program now.  Figured out to always use modbus address zero.  I'm sure I could still learn a lot from a working example....

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  • 11 months later...

I know this is a long shot, but could someone post theirs vlp file which they used to control the CMMO-ST-C5-1-LKP over modbus? It would help a lot, I can also post mine here if someone could help me tell whats wrong with it and how to correct it, but working example would help a lot.

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