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creating a pulse train with variable length

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I want to create a pulse train just like the build in SB3 or SB7,  but I need to define the length using an MI on the screen.

For example  if MI=12, an MB  must toggle every 12ms

Is it possible to create this in visilogic?

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  • MVP 2023

Sure you can, but timers only have a resolution of 10ms. Just multiply your MI by 100 and use "Store Timer/Counter Preset" for the TD timer you wish to use. Make the timer self-resetting (timer activated by inverted contact of the timer) then have a positive transition of the timer activate a toggle coil of the MB you wish to use for the pulse train.


If this isn't clear, I'll post a screen capture of the logic - just let me know.

Remember, you must use increments of 10ms. You cannot have a 12ms timer.

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Great, this is working!

10 minutes ago, Flex727 said:

Sure you can, but timers only have a resolution of 10ms. Just multiply your MI by 100 and use "Store Timer/Counter Preset" for the TD timer you wish to use. Make the timer self-resetting (timer activated by inverted contact of the timer) then have a positive transition of the timer activate a toggle coil of the MB you wish to use for the pulse train.


If this isn't clear, I'll post a screen capture of the logic - just let me know.

Remember, you must use increments of 10ms. You cannot have a 12ms timer.


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  • MVP 2023

HI Flex & Jordy.  I respectfully disagree with the 10ms statement, which although correct implies there is no other way of doing it.  Have a look at this post and the rest of the thread, and play with things readily available: 

With enhanced stuff it can be 1.25ms, which can perhaps better fine tune things to what you need.



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