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Hey guys, I am trying to program a cnc router machine and i was wondering if anybody here has done anything similar . I have the V350-TRA-22 with one stepper motor, one regular motor and a motor jack for the Z axis. the idea is to have a manual and auto control. The idead with the auto control is to have the program read from a SD card and run according to its commands. Thank you.

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I know that this topic is a bit old but I too have had this idea and started to create a program for this particular purpose.  I started this process about a year ago in my spare time.  My concept is a 3-axis lathe that uses a V570 with the EX-RC15.  I am undecided on whether I will use additional snap in I/O or additional expansion at this time for the non PTO/PWM functions.  The only hardware that I currently have is the V570.  This has allowed me to at least debug what PLC and HMI programming I have completed to date without the need for external I/O.

My lathe program is designed around common CNC programming using G and M codes.  I have created a table that allows for 60 programs with 30 blocks, or steps, in each program.  Each block can contain up to a 40 character string for commands (39 + null).  To date from the HMI I am able to create/select a program name, fill the blocks for that program with data, insert or delete blocks and scroll through the blocks of data for a program being edited.  There is still much to do to parse the data and perform calculations.

To the original poster, I too am planning that in auto mode the data table program data codes will be parsed, calculations performed and the positional data be used by the EX-RC15.  I just wanted to chime in here to say that I share in your idea.

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  • MVP 2023
On 1/30/2018 at 7:54 AM, viscoelastic said:

I would not look at a PLC for that task.


PLCs are not motion controllers, unless what you're trying to drive only has one axis.  Even then they're really not good at it.

On 1/27/2018 at 9:34 AM, Lionfan said:

There is still much to do to parse the data and perform calculations.

PLCs are not really good at crunching numbers, either.  Yes, we can do it, but it's so much easier in a higher language. 



Joe T.

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