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What happens when I...

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  • MVP 2023

...accidentally perform 200 Data Table functions on every PLC scan? One third of these functions were a 99 row copy within a table, one third were a single row copy from one table to another, and one third were a write row.

I think the creators will be gratified to know that the PLC (it was a V700) did not capitulate or crash. It did not fail to function in any way, however, screen updates were very slow. This program is fairly large with many very complex screens (making full use of the V700's lovely 800 by 480 resolution). When changing screens you could watch each element display one by one over 4 or 5 seconds.

So, programmers, if you've ever wondered if you might overwhelm an Enhanced Vision product with Data Table calls, fear not.

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  • MVP 2023

Honestly Flex, you're so mean.  Those poor little critters inside the 700, running all over the place, out of breath, saying "Yes Master, I'm trying Master, Coming Master, I'm tired Master, What Master? ......Off to serve at the tables again, Master?" and all you could do was sit there and watch............intently!



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  • MVP 2023
7 hours ago, Isakovic said:

What's the scan time on that one?

Dang it! I forgot to look! I was at a customer site and I was REAL busy trying to fix my screwup. I think I still have a copy of the bad vlp file. When I get back to my office I'll load it up on my own V700 and check the scan time.

4 hours ago, Ausman said:

Honestly Flex, you're so mean.  Those poor little critters inside the 700, running all over the place, out of breath, saying "Yes Master, I'm trying Master, Coming Master, I'm tired Master, What Master? ......Off to serve at the tables again, Master?" and all you could do was sit there and watch............intently!

Haha! I was doing a lot less watching and a lot more scrambling

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