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"HMI Overload" in version 22.13


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Can you send me the project?

I will download it to my PLC and I'll see if I also get an HMI overload. If so, then I'll open a bug report, and if not, then we might need to have a remote session.


Anyhow, in the Ribbon, under PLC --> UniStream Management --> Debug --> Upload Log, select a path where to save a log file uploaded from the PLC.

Enter the display that cause the HMI Overload, and only then upload the log file. After the log upload was completed, go to that path. You should find a file called UniLog.zip

Please send that file to the support, or to me (You can attach it to this thread).



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  • 2 months later...


I have the same problem that the HMI overload screen appears (mainly when oppening a screen with trends). My observation so far is that the overload screen only appers when the program online view is on. Is there a possible connection between the online view and the HMI resources?

On one HMI Screen I have up to 4 trends (only one is a visible in dependace of the selection)... May this be the Problem? However, I also got the overload screen when other HMI screens are opened.



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Here is the feedback i got from Unitronics:

"The 'HMI overload' screen you received is the consequence of loading a data sampler that its directory on the SD contains several hundreds of files.
Note: when you loading a data sampler the PLC scans all the files in its directory on the SD, and in case there are too many it can cause an HMI overload.
There are 2 ways I would like to suggest you:
* In the newer versions of UniLogic, there is a feature called "SD management" – There you can define the maximal number of files stored for each feature.
When the number of files exceeds the defined limit , it will automatically delete 1/8 of the oldest files."


I updated to the newest version (1.23.25) and deleted the files, now everyting works :)

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Hi Andreas,

thanks for you reply with the feedback from Unitronics.

First of all the good thing is that I haven’t seen the overload message for the last couple of days :).
I’m using the newest Unilogic version (1.23.25) and the SD Management was already configured when the Overload screen appeared. So, I my case I do not see a connection to the files on the SD card…
I’m still wondering if there is a connection between the online view mode and the HMI resources?

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That's good :)

I also had SD Management configured before updating.
But now i got a new problem. After updating to version 1.23.25 the trend viewer says "invalid date". 
This means that the file does not gets saved with the date as the name, but rather a increased number to the last filename.

I'm waiting for response from Unitronics.

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On 5/9/2018 at 5:35 PM, Andreas said:

That's good :)

I also had SD Management configured before updating.
But now i got a new problem. After updating to version 1.23.25 the trend viewer says "invalid date". 
This means that the file does not gets saved with the date as the name, but rather a increased number to the last filename.

I'm waiting for response from Unitronics.

Is the invalid date in hmi or web server?

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OK. We have an open bug on this issue, however the QA was not able to reproduce it. Do you have a project that you can share, or a history file that I can open?

Do you know if old history files, created before version 1.23 (with old firmware) show the date correctly? (Meaning old history files shows the date and new history files don't), because if that;s the case, then I have a clue why it happens, and then I can instruct the QA how to reproduce it.

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2 hours ago, Saragani said:

OK. We have an open bug on this issue, however the QA was not able to reproduce it. Do you have a project that you can share, or a history file that I can open?

Do you know if old history files, created before version 1.23 (with old firmware) show the date correctly? (Meaning old history files shows the date and new history files don't), because if that;s the case, then I have a clue why it happens, and then I can instruct the QA how to reproduce it.

For information.

We have 2 systems with identical programs, both of which have the same problem.

  • System 1: new PLS and new SD card.
  • System 2: Was updated from 1.18.60 to 1.22.13 to 1.23.25,
    At version 1.22.13, I enabled SD management to keep the last 32 files.
    After I encountered HMI Overload problems, I updated to 1.23.25 and deleted manually the sample files, but left 20 old files on the system.


I added some sample files in the attachment.



Samples Invalid Date.zip

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