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Can anyone help me on this issue. i am new to Unitronics product i am usingV1210 HMI cum PLC with visi logic version 9.4 software i am facing a issue with Alarm some time while downloading the logic to controller alarm is getting freeze and while restarting it through false alarm.

please suggest me some solution

thanks in advance.

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  • MVP 2023

Hi Suthan,

Are you saying that when you download to the controller, an alarm you have set in the existing controller program is being activated and freezes things?  Normally a download puts the controller into Stop mode until finished, so an Alarm process shouldn't happen.

cheers, Aus

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  • MVP 2023

A download will not place the PLC into stop mode unless there is a hardware or data table change (there may be a couple of other conditions that I forget at the moment). However, there is a download option called Stop-Download-Reset which will force the PLC into stop mode during download. Try that and see if it resolves your issue.

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  • MVP 2023

That's interesting Flex.  Every time I do any sort of download, even for the most minor things, it always puts the PLC into stop mode.  I always thought Reset was the optional part depending on complexity. 

However, I always use Download & Burn as my default.  Does Download (only) simply do a change to the most minor adjustments without a stop?

Always learning something new here.



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