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Editing with Visilogic very slow

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Hi.  Would anybody have any suggestion what to do when Visilogic editing has become very slow, and it is getting worse all the time. To open the Operand dropdown menu takes up to 10 sec and same goes for HMI editing. Same with new empty projects and old ones.  I have removed and re installed the software, disabled UAC, set text scaling to 100% . It is not eating any hardware resourses which the PC is not anyways in a short of. I'm running Win10Pro-64 OS and the latest release of Visilogic. Would appreciate any help to solve this problem.

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  • MVP 2023

Do other programs exhibit the same slowness during the time Visilogic does?  W10 might be doing one of it's "background" things that is taking a while to complete.  This gobbling of all resources doesn't show up easily in task manager and can be a real head scratcher.  And very infuriating.



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