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2 connection


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i control a V570 from remote with Remote Operator, and when is necessary a ceck software plc. But this 2 operation is not possible to do in the same time.

Is any chance to control with Remote Operator and connet with visilogic?


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Port 20256 is default setting for Socket 1. The default setting for Socket 3 is port 20257. You can use these two ports to connect to VisiLogic and Remote Operator without performing Socket Init.

Of course - you can add module Socket Init and change settings for each Socket - including port number.

post-12-001556600 1300798631_thumb.jpg

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Port 20256 is default setting for Socket 1. The default setting for Socket 3 is port 20257. You can use these two ports to connect to VisiLogic and Remote Operator without performing Socket Init.

Emil, if i understand well, i can connect with Remote Operator or Visilogic with 20256 and 20257 port without performing Socket Init.

OK, but with 20256 work both visilogic, both Remote Operator. With 20257 no work nothing.

What i forget to do?

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