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"Invalid MAC Address" pop-up


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After downgrading my plc (7" UniStream) from UniLogic 1.23.25 to Unilogic 1.18.60 i got this error.
I have tried to upgrade it to Unilogic 1.23.25 again but nothing helps.

Here is an image of the error message:


Please help.


Thanks in advance.

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  • 2 years later...


Please send your request to support@unitronics.com

Add PLC serial number from Panel and PLC model.

Support will send you instructions.

*Instructions are not published, as are dependent of number of conditions (PLC model, UniLogic version, Firmware version, etc.).


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  • 3 years later...

Please send your request to support@unitronics.com

Add PLC serial number from Panel and PLC model.

Support will send you instructions.

*Instructions are not published, as are dependent of number of conditions (PLC model, UniLogic version, Firmware version, etc.).

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