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Controlling a BACnet RT via GW-BAC1


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I have YABE running on my PC and it does not see my GW-BAC1 but it does see other BACnet devices. Should YABE see a standalone GW-BAC1 or does the GW-BAC1 need to be controlled by an HMI to become active? Here's the config details:


UniBACnet Configurator

Protocol: BACnet IP

Port 47808

One Device Instance: 0 with name Node1

One Descriptor: Analog Input

Modbus connection: Modbus IP

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I am trying to control a BACnet device via a GW-BAC1 gateway but it doesn't work. The device has 8 digital outputs and 8 digital inputs. See the attached YABE display. I am just trying to control the first digital output. Does any of the information in the YABE display go into the GW-BAC1 config file?

Here's my config file:

// Common Information
CN0864 Unitronics v1.00a

// Data Arrays
Data_Array_Name,        Data_Array_Format,        Data_Array_Length
DA_BO_,        Bit,        1

// Client Side Connections
Adapter,        Protocol,        IP_Port
N1,        Bacnet_IP,        47808

// Client Side Nodes
Node_Name,        Node_ID,        Protocol,        Adapter
Node1,        0,        Bacnet_IP,        N1

// Client Side Map Descriptors
Map_Descriptor_Name,        Data_Array_Name,        Data_Array_Offset,        Function,        Node_Name,        Object_Type,        Object_Instance,        Property,        Scan_Interval
BinaryOutput,        DA_BO_,        0,        Wrbc,        Node1,        BO,        0,        Present_Value,        2s

// Server Side Connections
Adapter,        Protocol
N1,        Modbus/TCP

// Server Side Nodes
Node_Name,        Node_ID,        Protocol,        Address_Type
Unitronics_Modbus_Node,        255,        Modbus/TCP,        ADU

// Map Descriptors
Map_Descriptor_Name,        Data_Array_Name,        Data_Array_Offset,        Function,        Node_Name,        Address,        Length,        Data_Type
SMD_DA_BO__1,        DA_BO_,        0,        Passive,        Unitronics_Modbus_Node,        1,        1,        Coil


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