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I have a remote PLC that I can download a new project, but it will not connect to online mode after the download has completed. I get the following message when I try to go online:

     "Online mode was terminated due to a communication error. Please check the connecting cables"

I can download a project with no issues, so I know the communication does work. I know the download has been because the web pages have changed inline with the new download.

Any ideas, please

ScreenHunter_114 Jan. 14 11.54.jpg


I've tried rebooting, but still no online connection.

I think it may be a problem with port 3335

I'm assuming ports, 80, 22 & 3335 should be forwarded to

I don't have access to the router, so I'm waiting on someone checking the router configuration.

  • MVP 2023
9 hours ago, Kestralcontrols said:

I can download a project with no issues, so I know the communication does work.

This heavily implies that it is something within your program causing the error.  An inadvertent error/typo/change in comms somewhere?

cheers, Aus

  • 3 years later...

Hi @Kestralcontrols 

I just ran into the same issue i resolved it by clicking on PC-PLC communications then click on the arrow by "Ports" change the online port from whatever it has there to what is in the manual which is "3335" click close and try it again 

  • 1 year later...

Hola, tengo el mismo problema. He intentado ponerme Online pero no me deja. Aparece el mensaje de error que aparece en la anterior conversación. He cambiado el puerto, he reiniciado el Plc y no consigo ponerme Online,¿ alguna sugerencia?

El puerto mío actualmente es el 3335.



After your initial download, can you still download another program change? if not, then check your IP address settings in the project.

If you downloaded a different address than originally set, you will lose comm's


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