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Good Morning guys ,  please could you support to us in the following questions?

We have installed 120-22-R2C controller just in my computer because we have not yet  received  the controller. 

Version is 9.8.79 build 0 Beta

and we have some questions:

1 -  For this controller and this version , could we configure from ladder  to load the startup display and the main display  after  booting the controller, we could do that with SB2 bit , Timer, load display , and reset .

2- We have a question regarding to download command , we are going to command a butterfly valve through On Off actuator , we have seen we have some download commands , they are Download , Stop Download Run , Stop Download Reset  , we need to know  , what does allow to us to download the change to the controller without changing the current command to the valve.

Thanks for your support 


Besta Regards



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1 - The Start-Up Display will load automatically upon boot up. You can then load any other display you wish at any time via ladder or via the Link & Jumps tab on the display using screen buttons, timers, or any other logic you wish.

2 - This is from the Help file. It's an excellent resource.


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