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Deleting subroutine or display

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I am working on Visilogic 9.8.65 for the programmation of a V570.

I would like to know how to delete a subroutine or a display from a project.

When I try it, a message appears and says: "The Subroutine/Display: XXX is referenced in the project. You cannot delete it."

Thanks for your attention.


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Thank you Flex and Cam.

So I need to delete every call relating to subroutines and displays.

I have another question if you would answer : is it possible to delete a variable everywhere in program in "one click" ?

Because for the moment I search for the occurence of the variable in question and I delete every call to make sure that the variable is removed, initialized and then available. 

Thank you !


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  • MVP 2023
2 hours ago, Al. said:

I have another question if you would answer : is it possible to delete a variable everywhere in program in "one click" ?

Because for the moment I search for the occurence of the variable in question and I delete every call to make sure that the variable is removed, initialized and then available. 

Sorry, I have no idea what any of this means.

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Thank you very much Flex, 

- For deleting variables in the subroutines and displays, I did it manually and made sure that the variables are removed (MB initialized ; MI, ML, T set to 0 ; etc.). it was long and tedious but now it is fine.

- And yes, for deleting subroutines and displays I did it like you said: deleting calls for the specific subroutine and display I wanted to delete.

Thank you both for your help !


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  • MVP 2023
8 minutes ago, Al. said:

For deleting variables in the subroutines and displays, I did it manually and made sure that the variables are removed (MB initialized ; MI, ML, T set to 0 ; etc.). it was long and tedious but now it is fine.

Why did you feel that was necessary? All you're deleting is the descriptor text that the PLC never sees anyway.

If you have a bunch of operands that are no longer being used and you find the descriptor text annoying, you can go to View / Operands Not Referenced in Project. That will generate a list that you can delete from.

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My project is dedicated to be used again for adding features in the future, it will be a standard project I would say.

That is why I cleaned everything and made the variables visually available. I would have used the tool "Operands Not Referenced in Project" but I did not know about it.

So I will verify my job with this, great !


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