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EX-A2X   Expansion Adapter    Comes with 1M   Cable,   longer cables thru your distributor

IO-ATC8     8 Analog in --   0-10V,  4-20ma, or Thermocouple    -- Setup via Jumpers

IO-AI4-AO2    4 Analog In,  2 Analog Out      0-10V, 4-20ma     ( No temperature )

IO-PT400      4 PT100  Inputs



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  • MVP 2023

I hate to be contrary here, but doesn't the AI4AO2 only work on 24v?  In the long dim past I remember getting into trouble trying to do a fully 12v system with a mix, as some of the I/Os would only work on 24, not 12.

cheers, Aus

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Ausman  :  Correct - looked at the Spec Sheet for the IO-AI4-AO2,  Power is   24 VDC ( 20.4 - 28.8V  Range).

                                          -- needed for the Analog Outputs


IO-ATC8  --    does not have an external Power Supply  Requirement, all terminals dedicated to Inputs

IO-PT400 - - does not have an external Power Supply  Requirement, all terminals dedicated to Inputs

Soooo  -- these are dependent on power from the Bus, and are NOT  Isolated !!




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