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Data logging to SD card for vision 130 PLC/HM

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I am new to Unitronics and my question is regarding data logging for vision 130 PLC/HMI. 

1) How long does it take to setup data logging so that data gets saved to an SD card? Is it very simple that it takes only few hours or does it take a couple of weeks? 

2) Is it possible to save the data in the form of a pdf or some sort of read-only file that can be opened on a computer? 



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  • MVP 2023
2 minutes ago, am091 said:

Is it possible to make it save to a read-only .csv file?

That would be logically impossible. You're asking the PLC to log to the file - it can't be read-only if you want to write to it. You can always change the file attribute after you remove the SD card from the PLC and transfer it to a PC.

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  • MVP 2023

am091,  you might also like to have a look at this post (and topic), which explains the procedure a little.  Not the type of file Flex is talking about, but one of the various options of writing to the card.

cheers, Aus


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