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Question regarding displays

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I have a display screen to accept two Integer Variables Inputs from the User via the Touch Screen. I want to use the same screen to display the variables after the user has completed entering the values. The screen ought to be in a way where it normally displays the values (without the cursor blinking) and in case the user hits the enter button gives the user the opportunity to enter new values(cursor should start blinking). I have tried to use SB 39 to do this but did not get the expected results. I would appreciate it if someone could suggest me a solution. This is a JZ10-11-R10 controller.

Best Regards,


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  • MVP 2023

The easiest way to accomplish this is to make two identical screens, one with editable variables and one without. Initially display the non-editable display and trigger the editable one with the enter key. Jump back to the non-editable display on SB30 (all variables complete)

Joe T.

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The easiest way to accomplish this is to make two identical screens, one with editable variables and one without. Initially display the non-editable display and trigger the editable one with the enter key. Jump back to the non-editable display on SB30 (all variables complete)

Joe T.

Dear Joe,

Thanks a lot for your quick response. The problem I am facing is that when I have gone through the specs for the Jazz controllers, I realized there is an upper limit in the number of displays (Displays cannot exceed 60). I have exactly 60 displays currently in my program. I would require 41 more displays if I were to create two screens for each data entry screen as I happen to have a lot of user entry screens in my program. I would very much appreciate it if you could suggest me a way to solve this without adding more displays. Thank you and hope you have a great day.

Best Regards,


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Hi RedLotus,

Please take a look on example Keypad Entry Force cursor (U90Ladder > Help menu > Sample U90... > Basic HMI operations). I have strong impression this is what you're searching for.

Please let me know if I'm right.

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Hi RedLotus,

Please take a look on example Keypad Entry Force cursor (U90Ladder > Help menu > Sample U90... > Basic HMI operations). I have strong impression this is what you're searching for.

Please let me know if I'm right.

Dear Emil,

Thank you very much. The example proved to be very useful. That was what exactly I was looking for.

Best Regards,


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  • MVP 2023

Well you learn something new every day. Kind of blows a hole in the "jump" functionality of the display, but the time saved in not having to re-create all those screens is well worth it.

I know Jas loves to do those webinars, so maybe we should have a really boring one on how all those special system bits and integers work. Seriously. B)

Joe T.

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Well you learn something new every day. Kind of blows a hole in the "jump" functionality of the display, but the time saved in not having to re-create all those screens is well worth it.

I know Jas loves to do those webinars, so maybe we should have a really boring one on how all those special system bits and integers work. Seriously. B)

Joe T.

Its interesting. I did observe that it 'blew a hole' to the display jump functionality. I was just wondering if the number of displays which is limited to 60 in the Jazz controller is a hard limit. Is there a way to add a couple of more displays than 60 such as display only a relevant screen set at one time switch off the other irrelevant sets at that time so that the number of displays which are active are only 60 displays at one time? Maybe by keeping those irrelevant screen sets in some obscure memory space? I would like to know if this is possible as I have hit the ceiling of 60 displays and would like to add a few more ones. Thank you very much and have a great day.

Best Regards,


Rodi Systems,

New Mexico.

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  • MVP 2023

In U90, go to Project->Properties and look at the Statistics tab. 60 displays are all you get.

I would really like to see what you're doing that requires that many displays. :o It looks like you've hit the "Jazz Wall" - I've done it a couple of times myself. V130 time.

Joe T.

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  • 5 months later...

The easiest way to accomplish this is to make two identical screens, one with editable variables and one without. Initially display the non-editable display and trigger the editable one with the enter key. Jump back to the non-editable display on SB30 (all variables complete)

Joe T.

How is a non-editable screen displayed or even created?


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  • MVP 2014

Non-editable values are created by not checking the "Keypad Entry" box. It is usually un-checked by default. It would be a manual process, create two displays with the same layout with the same values. On one display set up the variables with "Keypad Entry" checked, and on the other display leave the values with "Keypad Entry" un-checked.

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Is there a way to add a couple of more displays than 60 such as display only a relevant screen set at one time switch off the other irrelevant sets at that time so that the number of displays which are active are only 60 displays at one time?

Depending on what exactly it is you are doing, you might be able to use indirect addressing and cut way down on the number of screens.

But like Joe says, if you have that much going on why not jump to the V120? The capability and software are vastly better.

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