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Jazz O/S V2.44 and modem Cinterion

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I have Jazz JZ20-R10 and modem Cinterion BGS2T.

Everything works fine until I update O/S JZ from V2.41 to V2.42 and to V2.44.

PLC can`t established communication to modem.

SMS: Initialization Failed 

Register SI180 = 3

When I return O/S  to V2.41, everything is OK.

What should I do?

Best regards.


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  • MVP 2023

fbojan, Flex is heading into explaining that you have fallen into the trap of "always having the latest", when in fact if it isn't broken, don't change it!  (This is the reason why the Vision system has Version Swapper, but such a thing doesn't exist for U90.)

You need to use/download the U90 version you wrote the original program with and also use that to change the OS to the correct one.  The download area lists these under Previous Versions.

Many people have an area of their program that specifies exactly what they used at the time.   Some have it showing on screens, some in a hidden location that is consistent b/n all jobs.

cheers, Aus

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