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Is there a way to handle versioning?  Basically a way to have each time I hit save be a different "version" of the program?  Usually used in case the programmer royally screws up, but to be honest, I just lost a day of work to a save getting corrupted, and the backup on the server was from a couple days ago.  (I was pulled off the program for a little while, so I didn't lose DAYS of programming, but it was some important bits...)  I don't see an obvious way other than manually, which would require me to retrain myself.  (I use Ctrl+S a lot...)

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+ to Simon's comments, I save far more often!  I sometimes set up a spreadsheet with a fill down done to let me change names easily using cut and paste of the next sequential name.

I've mentioned this before, I used to use a program that was with Partition Magic, called Datakeeper.  Since W7, it became unreliable/wouldn't work in it's operation.  Sadly I have never found anything to replace it.  It worked fine under XP.

It could be set up so that every time a save was done within specified folders, it would do a backup of that file to another location.  You could set up how many versions of the same file name were retained......1 to infinity (?)..edit..actually 99...I checked.  You can understand how this was such an easy thing to work with.  Do regular saves even only a minute apart, and if there was an issue you could go back to wherever you wanted to, all under the same name without anything else needed.  The backup could also be zipped/encrypted for security.

If you search around you'll find references to it, but only by associating it to Partition Magic.

If anyone knows of something that works on current O/Ss and does exactly the same thing I would love to know about it.

edit:  In checking the number of retained versions, I was trying it on W10 in the vague hope it might again work.  Sadly, it installs but won't run some critical components.  😭 

cheers, Aus


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