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Unitronic V350 + yaskawa sigma5 CANopen

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   I have problem between UNITRONIC V350 and Yaskawa sigma 5 servosystem    (Drive  SGDV-1R6AE1A    and    CANopen  modul type SGDV-OCB01A).

Is there any example program and settings necessary to make the connection and control between these components.


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in appendix you have our example .   

   We made NMT conection and it is OK. We go in PreOperational mode  but when we sent SDO and PDO we not go to Operatinal mode and on drive no any action. Also we tray to set transfer speed to 250kB,  500kB,  1MB...  On Drive we not have any error.

      Later I tray to change the NOD from 2   to    3 or 4    just like you suggested . 


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  • MVP 2023


It is good if you can change CANopen status of drive.

In my first CANopen project i try to read or write only one parameter.

The real problem  - understand how to calculate correct mapping for all data.

This problem present for drive side and PLC side. Better way is to use default drive side mapping and adapt PLC mapping in the same way.

After this model is operational - you can change driver side CANopen register configuration and test nonstandard  mapping.

Another topic with my first steps project. You can see how to use  struct for send TPDO  and RPDO

You must understand - in this topic not present my non standard drive configuration.

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