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help with PWM on ex-d16a3-to16

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I am using a V350-35-R2 with a EX-D16A3-TO16 and a IO-ATC8 to run PID control on a simple heater. i am have a problem getting the PWM on the EX-D16A3-TO16 to work correctly . the issue appears to be with the operand of frequency.  I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. i have attached a copy of the program. any help would be greatly appreciated.


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  • MVP 2023

Hi, you must use power on operand for frequency MI1=PWM freq . Now it is 0 and output is ON for all the time.

PWM freq for this module is different for different type of connection


PNP = 1-500Hz

NPN =1-32000Hz

You must use proper value for IO module hardware PWM Frequency power up value preset.

If you process is slow - you do not need to run harware PWM.

You can run slow software PWM SCAN ladder FB and use simple output for control SSR for heater.

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